India, About India, Information about India

Information About India

Facts ll Entry Regulations ll Time Difference ll Currency ll Climate ll Clothes ll People ll Social Behaviour ll Languages ll Religion ll Cuisine ll Alcoholic Drinks ll Electricity ll Telecommunication ll Women Travel



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Facts About India 

State Republic of India
Area 3 287 263 km2 (World status 7)
Capital New Delhi
Administration 28 Union States and 8 Union Territories
Political System Democratic-Federal Republic since 1950
Official Languages Hindi, English
Religious Groups Hindus (79%), Muslims(14.2%), Christians (2.3%), Sikhs (1.7%), Buddhists (0.7%),Jains (0.4%),Parses and Jews(0.5%), others (1.2%)
Currency Indian Rupee (INR)
National Holiday 26 January (Republic Day) 15 August (Day of Independence)
India, National Emblem of India


Entry Regulations for India

Foreign nationals wishing to visit India must be in possession of a valid passport and a visa granted by an Indian mission abroad. Indian missions are located in 140 countries of the world.

Nationals of Nepal and Bhutan are exempted from obtaining a visa. They can enter India without a passport and visa provided they have their identity papers.

Visas are of different kinds. The period of their validity is subject to certain restrictions. The visa must be checked before entering India. All visas specify the number of times a visitor may enter a country. a multi-entry visa must be obtained if one is visiting some of the neighboring countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka and re-entering India.

Indian Embassies Abroad

Various offices of the Indian Embassies, Consulates, High Commission and Diplomatic and Foreign missions are located in abroad from where you can apply for the visa and obtain other information regarding the visit to India. These offices are located in United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and various other countries.

Time Difference in India

Indian standard time is 5 ½ hours ahead of Greenwich means time and 10 ½ hours ahead of us east. Thus noon in India is 1:30 a.m. in New York. Nepal stick to its ancient sundial time which is ten minutes ahead of Indian standard time. Indian standard time has no variation in summer or winter.

Currency in India

Indian currency is based on the decimal system-100 paise to the rupee. Coins are in the denominations of 5, 10, 20, 25, and 50 paise, though 5, 10 and 20 paise coins have virtually vanished, thanks to inflation. Bank notes are in the denominations of 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,500,2000 rupees.

Climate in India

Climate in India varies greatly according to latitude, altitude and season.
Temperatures: Average maximum winter temperatures range from the high 20 degree Celsius in the S to below freezing in parts of Kashmir, Leh and Ladakh, and the low 20 degree Celsius in the northern plains. The range of minimum winter temperatures between N and S is greater. In many parts of the N plains, especially in the NW, close to the foothills of the Himalayas, night temperatures fall close to freezing. In contrast, in the far S, minimum temperature never fall below 20 degree Celsius except in the hills.
In summer the N is generally hotter than the S, with daytime temperatures usually over 40 degree Celsius and in parts of the NW up to nearly 50 degree Celsius from time to time. Night time temperatures also remain high. The end of Apr - May is the hottest time. Once the clouds of the monsoon season arrives, the temperature fall a few degrees, but the air gets much more humid, often making it intensely uncomfortable. In the S maximum temperatures never reach those experienced in the N, rarely rising above 40 degree Celsius for more than a day or at a time. May is also generally the hottest month.

Rainfall in India

India's seasonal rainfall pattern is dominated by the monsoon, which generally arrives at the SW coast in late May or June, covering most of the country by the beginning of July, and retreating in October. However, the popular image of the monsoon is misplaced. Even in the wettest areas - the west coast or the NE hills of the Shillong plateau - there are periods of days at a time when it does not rain. Elsewhere the rainy season is marked by prolonged very heavy showers, interspersed with cloudy, humid weather and occasional bright patches.

Clothes in India

About India, Clothes in India

The people of India have colorful & different attires. The silk saris, brightly mirrored cholis, colorful lehangas and the traditional salwar- kameez have fascinated many travellers, over time.

Light cotton clothes are useful almost anywhere in India at any time of year. It is a good idea to have some very lightweight long sleeve cotton and trousers for evenings, preferable light in colour, as they also give some protection against mosquitoes. Between Dec - Feb it can be cool at night even on the plains in N and E India, and at altitudes above 1,500m right across India some woolens are essential. Dress is rarely formal. In the large cities short sleeve shirt and ties are often worn for business. For traveling loose clothes are most comfortable.

Indian dressing styles are marked by many variations, both religious and regional and one is likely to witness a plethora of colors, textures and styles in garments worn by the Indians.

People in India

Next to China, India is the country with the largest number of inhabitants in the world. Facing the fact that almost one thousand million people are living in India it is amazing that they occupy only 2.4 % of the earth's surface. The average population density is 298 inhabitants per square km. In some areas, population density reaches over 1000 inhabitants per km square for which two reasons can be mentioned. First, population remains concentrated in the big cities and around the fertile riverbeds of the Ganges and second huge parts of the country remain uninhabitable because they are covered either by desert or by high mountains. The average life expectancy is 58 years, the share of young people under the age of 18 is over 40%.Around ¾ of Indians are living in the rural area, ¼ of the population lives in cities. The biggest cities are Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), Mumbai (formerly Bombay), Delhi and Chennai (formerly Madras). About 5 million Indians are living abroad, primarily in South and East Africa, in South-East-Asia, North America and around the Persian Gulf.   

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